
Is this why you were created? While I work on creating a beautiful sweater this January to be very reflective and sweet.  So this post will be a little askew from just talking about fiber, but I hope you will take a little walk with my thoughts.  And a closer sneak peek into this crazy …

shepherds wagon

This year

This Year… Inviting you into a world of dreams this year! What are you hopes and dreams for this year? OK I must confessing something that I regret; not keeping a journal of what I have carried out to completion is pretty high on the list, believe it or not. Why? For two reasons: 1. …

Cutter on the couch


The Force and I went together to pick out my potential real working Border Collie at 2 weeks old.  Who can pick a puppy at 2 weeks – well apparently he can… all I saw were wiggly little sausages, but Bill saw something in Cutter.   He also named him… there ya go.   this isn’t …

Sitting at the table working on the computer

Dreamin’ in 2023

Dreamin’ in the New Year 2023 Welcome in the New Year Dreamin’, might be my most favorite moments of the year… I get giddy just thinking about the possibilities of a new year. A place in time to be hopeful and dream. I am not afraid of setting some goals, not even afraid of setting …


AWFM – “Are We Following Mim” Our horse camping adventure

4 Day Horse Camping Pack Trip into the Eagle Cap Wilderness with Molly Golter and our horses, Joe, “Jr”, and Charlie.  Goal: Drop off @ Anderson Ranch Trailhead, which is located at the bottom of Minam Grade, pick up at Buck Creek Trailhead There is some repeat of information in the following story, but I …