Is this why you were created?

While I work on creating a beautiful sweater this January to be very reflective and sweet.  So this post will be a little askew from just talking about fiber, but I hope you will take a little walk with my thoughts.  And a closer sneak peek into this crazy head.  I love to mull and this January has been a wonderful time to do that.  Of course because it is the beginning of the year, I want to, but I will refrain from committing to making a “phylosofiber” post once a month.  

Just wanting to state up front that this will probably be more philosophy than fiber, so if heady isn’t on the docket for the day I totally understand.  But sometimes when I have time to sit down and knit for a bit these things start connecting and coming together in purpose.  In full disclosure this may not be a post for everyone, if this isn’t for you feel free to scroll on.  


How do you move toward change?

I love taking on little easy snippets of things I want more of.  It seems to be my best way to “get in” things I want to do.  Since, I want more family, and faith combination and convenience are my friend.  So as the fam we are reading one chapter a day each month for this year.  So in January reading Genesis 1 in the Bible each day.   If you are in for a chapter review grab your knitting or beverage of choice, and let’s settle into a great mulling together.  I invite you to stick around because the Bible isn’t scared of being proved wrong.  I know that it also does a lot to broaden my mind and make me think of things in different ways.

Is repetition a blessing or a curse?

Yes, chapter 1 every day…  and you say how repetitive, and in some ways yes, but why not?  In so many crafty ways, repetition has afforded me a better understanding of what I am doing.  More of the same motion gives me a more consistent stitch.  When I stop focusing on the over and over again, I can take a deeper dive into how and why.  This is what I love about knitting, and now that I have felt the stitches over and over again in my hand, it is somehow soothing, even cravable. 

Over time I see the benefit of asking how and why.  It is a coming of age to move beyond doing to the more mindful creating because…  It is Not about doing but creating something for a purpose with as much skill for a I have the ability to hone.   Doing isn’t good enough anymore.  Changing little by little knowing why, I come to a more consistent stitch.  Knowing how and why with more sureness it becomes clearer how to change the effect to get a better result.

Coming from a different angle...

In an effort to go deeper, instead of taking in the words, I have been imagining what I can… and it has brought about more questions which are fun to stew on.  It is so important to hold these thoughts in my head with a loose hand.  He has told us just what He intended to and my imaginings are just that.

The impact of creating from creation

Something that does stand out is the stark contrast in God’s creating and mine is that I cannot make anything from nothing.  God who blows my mind with His attention to knowing all the details of what He will need to create a beautiful world.  He puts everything into place for an amazing creation.  He could have instantaneously set things up all in one day.  However He is satisfied with his work. And unlike me he doesn't have to practice because He is the Master of perfection.  But it also speaks to how a thing can just be until they are put into semblance and order.  It is after “and it was so” that he pronounces them good.

Just looking at the elements made in the beginning

 ...has me thinking about the way I get to use what he has already created to make something good.  Let’s take wool, of course!  On the sheep it looks lovely and it belongs.  There is purpose for wool on the sheep for a season.  Then the wool is taken off the sheep and there it is, just setting there… without order or purpose.  Now take those fibers and clean them up, card them up, put them into order.  Make them into yarn by adding energy, so you can knit them up.  Making, producing, creating, doing, is satisfying work.  Yes, His work is perfect the first time and He doesn’t have to learn anything, and He derives pleasure in making.

In this world the diversity of discovery is huge.

  We get to learn what the amazing elements were meant for.  How?  Choose to place color on some fibers, blend them with other fibers, or use a different preparation before spinning to get a different effect.  With time and repetition you learn what fibers lend themselves to.  What finished piece you have a purpose for.  The possibilities are broadening and you are taking in more and more information all the time and your craft deepens.  Here is where we get to leaRN.  There is a good purpose.  In fiber arts there is a fair bit of play to make a finished piece, but is it to a good purpose?  I think a good work is looking to that good purpose. This has me thinking of the life of George Washington Carver.  He delved into peanuts and still didn't reach the end of how amazing they are.   

Why for, because?

Is this part of what it means to be made in the image of God?  To be so satisfied with a creation that has completeness and purpose, order and beauty.  Is this why creating a good work is fulfilling?  I love that this can happen without us even knowing.  But I want to be one of His creations that wants to know   We can feel it and not even know why. 

Recently I came across two different people talking about addiction and how it takes over a life.  Both of these people have spoken to how the power to create has transformed, and saved them.  And while this has an element of truth it doesn’t quite go far enough.  Like… saying the sheep saves your life in a snowstorm.  While you have used the elements of the sheep to make you warm enough to weather the snowstorm, the sheep is not the Savior.  The one who made the sheep, and gave you the purpose in making the garment, is the One to keep you warm.

Are you a muller?

If this is a foreign concept I hope it gives you something to think on while you are knitting.  If nothing else I challenge you to dig deeper into why you do what you are doing.  And I hope the practice of your art leads you to the One who created all things to be made into beautiful art work.   

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